This Bead Is Me...
This Bead Is Me...
In November of 2017, the founder of ThisBeadCo., LLC noticed a need that seemed to be widespread throughout her community. With the holidays fast approaching, she needed something that could be used for gift giving that was affordable...but not "cheap"... Something that would communicate great value to the gift receiver...but would also fit within her gift-giving budget. From what she could tell, such an item did not exist in a retail store anywhere. It wasn't long before a brainstorming prayer produced a poem jotted on a tiny piece of paper. "This bead is me, in a sea of conformity. I will stand out; there is no doubt. And that is exactly how it should be!" Following the poem, she made two simple seed bead bracelets, each with one bead standing out from all the rest. Her initial intentions were only to create a simple gift with great meaning for each of her daughters. Every time they wore those bracelets, they would be encouraged by the message to freely be who God has created them to be. By December 3, 2017, however, ThisBeadCo. was an official LLC and the original "This Bead Is Me" bracelet was made available to the public. Since then, the company has grown to include gifts of all kinds with various encouraging messages. ThisBeadCo. is growing with each passing week and aims to continue filling the immense need for affordable gifts with great meaning as time goes by.

"This bead is me, in a sea of conformity;
I will stand out, there is no doubt.
And that is EXACTLY how it should be!"
Bethany L. Lawson, founder of ThisBeadCo., LLC